5 iunie 2012: elevii din clasele a V a de la Scoala Thompson Brook din Connecticut au primit un pachetel cu
lingurite din lemn traditionale din partea membrilor PEN PAL CLUB de la Scoala Generala
2, Tg. Mures. La randul lor, elevii scolii
noastre au primit un nou set de scrisori din Connecticut, iar copiii cu
diverse responsabilitati in cadrul programului au fost recompensati cu pixuri
si mingi.
Aceasta a fost ultima activitate in cadrul proiectului 2011- 2012,
deoarece in SUA vacanta de vara incepe la data de 15 iunie. Anul scolar
viitor, 2012-2013, activitatea va reincepe, de data aceasta fiind implicati
si elevi din clasele a IV-a, momentan inca in clasa a III-a. Vacanta placuta,
Thompson Brook!
June 5th 2012: the
students involved in the PEN PAL CLUB in Connecticut have received from our
students a parcel with traditional teaspoons made of wood. At the same time,
our students received a new set of letters from Avon and our students in charge
with different tasks were given ballpoint pens and stress balls as a reward.
This has been the final activity for this school year, because in the USA
school ends on the 15th of June. Next school year, 2012-2013, our
activity will start with the involvement of the students in the 4th
grade who are now 3rd graders. Have a happy summer, Thompson Brook!
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