Corgi Dog Bark PEN PAL CLUB- "Dr. Bernady Gyorgy" School,- Thompson Brook School, Avon, CT, USA, 2012-2017: Children Like Me

duminică, 20 ianuarie 2013

Children Like Me

In cadrul clubului de corespondenta "Pen Pals, Children Like Me", elevii din clasele a V a de la Scoala Thompson Brook, Avon, Connecticut, au pregatit pentru elevii scolii noastre un material despre orasul-capitala a statului Connecticut, Hartford, care este la o distanta foarte mica de orasul lor, Avon. Le multumim!

The children in the 5th grade at Thompson Brook School, Connecticut, involved in the "Pen Pals, Children Like Me" Club in Avon, have prepared for our school's students a material about Hartford, the capital city of the American state Connecticut. This town is situated near Avon.
We thank them!
prof. Diana Pitea

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